1What is the main purpose of Black Wealth 100?
The main purpose of BW 100 is to build a highly successful membership group that shares information and resources that ultimately drives financial literacy, increases financial security, and helps members build a financial legacy.
2Can anyone become a member of BW 100?
No. There is a $250k household income, or a $200K single annual income requirement that is ONLY one of the evaluation points. The main objective of BW 100 is to ensure that each member brings a “value add” to the group.
3Can I start my membership anytime?
Yes. The 12-month membership is 12 months from the start date of your membership.
4How do I recommend someone for membership?
Only current paid members can recommend someone for membership. When the new member completes his/her membership, they will need to provide the name of the current member in their membership application.
5Who is BW 100 designed for?
BW 100 is designed for very successful new, and/or seasoned investors who want to give some of their money a “side hustle.”
6Will BW 100 have access to my financial accounts?
No. Each BW 100 member will set up their own PRIVATE investment account, and will make their own investment decisions. If needed, BW 100 will assist with the account set up, but will NOT have any access to the account.
7What actions will I need to take as a member?
Participate in as many meetings/events as possible. Take action on the recommendations you deem worthy of action. Measure your year end results against standard benchmarks, and your investments managed by your financial planner.
8How will BW 100 results be measured?
BW 100 will evaluate all investment recommendations at the end of the year against the standard market measurements.
9I have a question not addressed in the FAQ:
Please e-mail your question to DavidRichardson@BlackWealth100.com